Cotswolds Dry Gin 70cl

Cotswolds Dry Gin is a delectable blend of nine carefully-considered botanicals, including lavender from here in the Cotswolds and freshly-peeled pink grapefruit and lime zest. They use over 10 times the amount of botanicals and do not chill filter the gin, which causes a beautiful pearlescent cloud to appear when ice or tonic is added, known as The Cloudy G&T.


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Cotswolds Dry Gin is a delectable blend of nine carefully-considered botanicals, including lavender from here in the Cotswolds and freshly-peeled pink grapefruit and lime zest. They use over 10 times the amount of botanicals and do not chill filter the gin, which causes a beautiful pearlescent cloud to appear when ice or tonic is added, known as The Cloudy G&T.

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